
At times, even without the direct gaze of another, I find myself intuitively attuned to the emotional undercurrents around me—the silent pull of their inner worlds, suspended in thought, wrapped in moods I can nearly feel.

I have never turned such a careful eye even towards myself. 
Yet I  am, now and then, unexpectedly consumed by the enigmatic presence of others. Shadows cast by strangers whose names and stories remain mysteries. In these moments, I find myself envisioning the depth of their lives, rich with unseen chapters and half-finished tales.

On various paths, within our own lives, at our own crossroads, we all live within the inescapable truth of time ; a silent companion to all. Occasionally, I’m caught between wondering if we’re merely surviving or if we’re truly living. Whether we will it or not, time shapes us, we learn, we age, we inevitably lose. In these quiet reflections, I find myself lingering on the elusive nature of time—its paradox, its purpose, and what it might mean to exist within it.